Reported by Boss Trump

A story on the Daily Inter Lake reports, “Hagadone Media Montana is launching Insights with an eye toward connecting the economic hubs that motor Flathead, Lake, Lincoln, Sanders and Mineral counties. This five-county region is home to more than 200,000 residents, thousands of businesses and a growing labor force, making it a critical region for the state.
“Each edition of Insights will delve into a pertinent issue or trend affecting local employers and consumers — from innovative solutions for staffing up during peak summer seasons, to the challenges of navigating rural Montana’s childcare gap.
“‘Our reporting for these stories will be in depth and solutions oriented,’ commented Matt Baldwin, regional editor for Hagadone Media Montana. ‘Insights will provide ample space for a full-breadth feature story each month that offers readers a cross section of local voices and a better understanding of the issues facing our economic industries.’”
Read more here.